90 days is essentially a season of the year and the types of projects and goals you have probably change that fast.

In tech, they live by 90-day goals because they don’t want to be slow to market or obsolete.

In your home, you should live by 90-day goals so that you can complete projects that are actually important for the time of year. 


As we approach fall, I realize that our sprints might look like this:

  1. Break up leaves to spread over garden
  2. Prepare house for winter by winterizing windows and doors
  3. Buy and freeze fall vegetables
  4. Make Apple Butter 
  5. Go apple picking
  6. Have 5 family movie nights outdoors
  7. Buy/make Halloween costumes


There will be more things that are added to the list later, but these are things that came to my mind at the beginning. This will be added to our current backlog and then everything will be reprioritized.


This is when we will hold a sprint planning meeting. We will look over our backlog and decide what needs to be toward the top of the list and move things around as necessary. 


We are treating each season as if we are working on different features or different priorities for our product (family). In this instance, we will be dealing with features that are only available to us in a certain season while also reprioritizing things that can be evergreen items. 


How do you decide what should be on your 90-day plan? 


You ask everyone in your family what projects or activities they’d like to do and then you place them on the backlog. Then you prioritize things based on what will be the most necessary piece of the puzzle or the most timely. For instance, apple picking has a very specific number of weeks where you can participate so it may go higher on the list than fall vegetables which will be available at the grocery store for the length of the season. It will probably also go higher than winterizing the house because I’ll have months to prepare for that considering we’ve had 70 degree Christmases in the last few years. 


What you prioritize will be individual for you.

If you have any questions about how to get started you can join my FREE 3 day e-mail course to start your Agile Transformation! I look forward to seeing you there.