Ep 062: What is Work-Life Balance

Ep 062: What is Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is hard and the truth is that it is not achievable all of the time. Sometimes you need to be more focused on something like a work project or on being present with your family.  The balance comes out over time. It is okay to focus in on one area for...
Ep 060: Priorities are What Gets Done

Ep 060: Priorities are What Gets Done

Prioritized items are the things that actually get done in your life. It’s easy to have shiny object syndrome but you will move mountains for your priorities.  The best way that we did this, was to sit down and identify our family values. We do this as a whole...
Ep 059: How We Agile: Babysitters

Ep 059: How We Agile: Babysitters

Babysitters are such a vital part of parenting. Finding and keeping babysitters are so important.  There’s more to it than just asking for referrals from friends or interviewing potential babysitters – be sure to listen to today’s episode to learn...
Ep 058: How We Agile: Vacation Planning

Ep 058: How We Agile: Vacation Planning

Travel and vacations are some of the most stressful times as a parent.  To make everything easier on you, map everything out before you get started. Start your Scrum board now. Make sure it includes all of the plans made, plans you need to make and all of the things...
Ep 057: How We Agile: Behavioral Issues

Ep 057: How We Agile: Behavioral Issues

We can Agile our children’s behavioral issues, things like not sitting at the dinner table, hitting, potty training, etc.  The single most important part of Agiling behavioral issues is to collaborate with your child. During our weekly meeting we address the...