Reading is hard (or well, at least it is for me).  I have dyslexia which is a reading disability. For me, it means mixing up letters and numbers so they’re backward, etc. So for years, I didn’t read. It has gotten easier over the years, and I have a few aides now that help even more. I say all of that to let you know that I don’t talk about books lightly. As a matter of fact, I often get really nervous talking about books, because I know that I might have missed something. These books though have become tried and true favorites that have actually caused a positive change in my life.


Please note that this post will contain affiliate links. That means I’ll make a few dollars off of your purchases from the links to help keep Your Agile Home and Yvonne Marcus Consulting up and running. 

The Secret of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Tell Your Family History, Fight Smarter, Go out and Play, and Much More 

This is the book that led to this business. It was what started me on the road to agility and so much more. I set up my kid’s allowance from this book. Heck, I rethought what family dinner had to look like based on this book. It literally changed every aspect of my home life and my business. Here it’s about learning to be agile and to use a timebox to stop arguing and get out the door in the mornings. It’s about not being the top-down boss of your home, but it’s also about so much more.


You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life

All those thoughts swirling around in your brain aren’t real. I mean all thoughts deserve to be thought, but you don’t have to believe every single one of them. The examples in this book leave you feeling not alone with your emotional eating, negative self-talk, or pretty much any behavior you’d like to change. It also gives you clear routes on how to change it. The book is filled with activities you can do to identify the emotions behind your habit and recognize why you want to and how to change it. 


The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better 

I’m an obliger y’all. If you need something done, I’m the person to ask. I will want to complete it. Reading this and finding this out about myself was eye-opening as to why I had certain reactions to things. Now that isn’t to say I am defined by my tendency. I am not. I also am aware that as I grow and change my tendency might as well. It just felt good to recognize why I had certain reactions to requests.


Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Shame is real and it truly sucks sometimes, but I love letting Brene walk me through what to do in those moments. I also love how she pulls from other areas such as taking Anne Lamott’s Shitty First Draft and turning it into a way to process your feelings. Going into a discussion with the story I’m telling myself has kept us from triggering like 1000 arguments. Our feelings belong to us and we are in charge of how we react to them. 


Truly, I could read each of these books 500x and probably learn something totally new. That’s the joy of reading things that are interesting to me but that also I can bring into my real life. I just follow them up with a palate cleanser such as a good mystery. 


What book has changed your life?