Ep 135: 5 Reasons I Use ClickUp

Ep 135: 5 Reasons I Use ClickUp

Do you want to try out ClickUp? Click here for my affiliate link and you'll get a 15% - 30% discount! Know what's on our sprint Get it on my radar/schedule mark delegation so I'm not thinking about it easily prioritize the backlog evaluate your projects I have so many...

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Ep 134: Managing Stress with Valerie Friedlander

Ep 134: Managing Stress with Valerie Friedlander

Taking the time to understand how stress works will help you handle all the stress that 2020 has brought upon us.    Listen to today's episode and learn some tips and tricks for managing stress and communicating effectively.   Learn More About Valerie:...

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Ep 133: Creating a User Story

Ep 133: Creating a User Story

Start your agile transformation with my free course.  User stories are so important to propel the conversation forward to find out what is really needed for each project.  Here's how to create a user story: Define the End User Specify what they want Describe the...

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Ep 132: Creating Your Minimum Viable Life

Ep 132: Creating Your Minimum Viable Life

Join my free email course to start your own Agile transformation.  We're talking about the base things you need in order to have the best possible life. You start with the bare minimum and you can move up or be agile to change quickly. Find your non-negotiables. This...

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